From Clicks to Conversions: The Power of Consistent Models

Aren’t we all looking to seriously boost our marketing game? As a fashion retailer using the same model in both your ads and your Product Details Pages (PDP) is the boost you are looking for.   You might be thinking, “How can a model in my ad help me sell more stuff?” Well, stick around because […]

Apparel Branding 101: A Guide to Enhancing Your Brand’s Appeal

Let’s chat about something that could seriously boost your brand: using the same models across all platforms. Models are the heartbeat of your apparel branding. They turn your clothes from just fabric into something desirable and relatable. But have you thought about the impact of using the same models for your brand? This could be […]

Transform Your On-Model Photos with Our Shopify Photo App

Botika's Native Shopify App for creating stunning fashion photos

As an online clothing store, you are probably familiar with this challenge: getting beautiful on-model photos without breaking the bank. Traditional photography studios are expensive, and hiring models can be time-consuming and a hassle, especially when you want to use the same models consistently. You may have tried to model the clothes yourself or use […]

Transforming eCommerce Fashion Photography with AI

An abstract illustration of a camera and artificial intelligence

In eCommerce, high-quality product photography is crucial. It’s the visual representation of your product that can make or break a sale. Traditional photoshoots can be time-consuming and costly. That’s where Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes in, revolutionizing eCommerce fashion photography, especially for apparel. Let’s explore how AI can optimize your on-model eCommerce fashion  photography, making it […]

Google Virtual Try On: The Good, the Bad, and the Perfect Fit for You

A woman trying on clothes

Google Virtual Try On is a cool feature that lets shoppers see how clothes look on real models before buying. Imagine you’re a retailer selling clothes online. With Google Virtual Try On, your customers can virtually try on different items, pick models they relate to, change colors, and even adjust the fit. It’s like having […]

Use AI Generated Fashion Models to Boost Your Store’s Look

In the booming world of online fashion sales, small apparel retailers have a golden opportunity to shine.  However, they face significant challenges, particularly in creating professional quality product shots with a diverse set of models and backgrounds, without spending a fortune. Big brands can afford expensive photoshoots with professional models, photographers, and stylists.  Smaller retailers […]

Mastering Your Product Detail Page for Apparel Retailers

As an online apparel retailer, you’re probably putting a lot of money and effort into bringing potential shoppers to your site. The Product Detail Page (PDP) is the last leg of the customer buying journey—it’s “money time.” The quality of a product detail page can convince a shopper to make the purchase or to keep […]

What do models have to do with ROAS? Everything!

The economic uncertainty of the past months has not skipped the apparel industry. Inflation, supply shortage, and geopolitical uncertainty have had their impact both on consumer buying habits and on the cost of goods. The result is rising pressure on online retailers to find innovative ways to draw shoppers’ attention. Increasing online advertising may seem […]